

有人問說:「我們禱告,應該到什麼時候為止呢?難道不能把事情交在上帝手中停止禱告嗎?」只有一個答覆:禱告到你已經得著你所求的,或者到你心中已有確實的把握-信上帝必為你成就的時候為止。只有這二處我們可以停止我們的禱告,因為禱告不只是呼求上帝,也是抵擋撒但。上帝常用我們的禱告來制服撒但,所以只有上帝,不是我們,能隨便停止禱告。但願我們不敢隨意停止禱告,除非答應已經來到了,或者已經有把握了。在第一處我們可以停止禱告,因為我們看見了。在第二處我們可以停止禱告,因為信心的眼睛也已經看見了。-譯自祈禱訓練(The Practice of Prayer)



荒漠甘泉∕8 月 18日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman 







"Alone." (Deut. 32:12.)

"The hill was steep, but cheered along the way
By converse sweet, I mounted on the thought
That so it might be till the height was reached;
But suddenly a narrow winding path
Appeared, and then the Master said, My child,
Here thou wilt safest walk with Me alone.'

"I trembled, yet my heart's deep trust replied,
So be it, Lord.' He took my feeble hand
In His, accepting thus my will to yield Him
All, and to find all in Him.
One long, dark moment,
And no friend I saw, save Jesus only.

"But oh! so tenderly He led me on
And up, and spoke to me such words of cheer,
Such secret whisperings of His wondrous love,
That soon I told Him all my grief and fear,
And leaned on His strong arm confidingly.

"And then I found my footsteps quickened.
And light ineffable, the rugged way
Illumined, such light as only can be seen
In close companionship with God.

"A little while, and we shall meet again
The loved and lost; but in the rapturous joy
Of greetings, such as here we cannot know,
And happy song, and heavenly embraces,
And tender recollections rushing back
Of pilgrim life, methinks one memory
More dear and sacred than the rest, shall rise

"And we who gather in the golden streets,
Shall oft be stirred to speak with grateful love
Of that dark day when Jesus bade us climb
Some narrow steep, leaning on Him alone."

"There is no high hill but beside some deep valley. There is no birth without a pang." --- Dan Crawford.

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