荒漠甘泉∕8 月 28日
相傳有一個寓言,說鳥類最初被造的時候,是沒有翅膀的。神將翅膀造好了放在牠們面前,對牠們說;『來,戴起這些翅膀來。』 那時的鳥類也有豐美的羽毛和悅耳的歌喉;牠們能唱幽揚的樂歌,牠們的羽毛能在日光下放光,只是牠們不能翱翔空中。
神吩咐牠們戴起翅膀來,安在肩頭上。 起初,肩頭上的擔子似乎很重,背著也很費力,但是不一會,牠們將翅膀展開,覺察了利用翅膀的方法,於是就能高飛空中-啊,重擔變成了翅膀!
如果我們高高興興地用愛心負起一切重擔來,我告訢你,沒有一件重擔不能變成我們的福祉。神原命定我們的工作來做我們的幫助的;所以讀者阿,拒絕一個重擔,就是拒絕一個新的生機。-密勒(J/R.Miller) 凡是神親手繫在我們肩頭上的重擔,無論怎樣沉重,都是可喜愛的。-費勃爾(F.W.Faber)
原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
祂不要我們作花棚裡面的花草,祂要我們作能被風雨擊打的橡樹;祂不要我們作會被疾風吹散的沙丘,祂要我們作抵抗狂風的花崗岩。要將我們作得這樣,祂必須帶我們到祂受苦的試驗室去。我們中間有很多人都有自己的經驗可以證明:受苦實在是神信心的試驗室。-馬克康該(J. H. McC.)
"There he proved them." (Exod. 15:25.)
I STOOD once in the test room of a great steel mill. All around me were little partitions and compartments. Steel had been tested to the limit, and marked with figures the showed its breaking point. Some pieces had been twisted until they broke, and the strength of torsion was marked on them. Some had been stretched to the breaking point and their tensile strength indicated. Some had been compressed to the crushing point, and also marked. The master of the steel mill knew just what these pieces of steel would stand under strain. He knew just what they would bear if placed in the great ship, building, or bridge. He knew this because his testing room revealed it.
It is often so with God's children. God does not want us to be like vases of glass or porcelain. He would have us like these toughened pieces of steel, able to bear twisting and crushing to the uttermost without collapse.
He wants us to be, not hothouse plants, but storm-beaten baks; not sand dunes driven with every gust of wind, but granite rocks withstanding the fiercest storms. To make us such He must needs bring us into His testing room of suffering. Many of us need no other argument than our own experiences to prove that suffering is indeed God's testing room of faith. --- J. H. McC.
It is very easy for us to speak and theorize about faith, but God often casts us into crucibles to try our gold, and to separate it from the dross and alloy. Oh, happy are we if the hurricanes that ripple life's unquiet sea have the effect of making Jesus more precious. Better the storm with Christ than smooth waters without Him. --- Macduff.
What if God could not manage to ripen your life without suffering?